Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Israel is our biggest welfare recipient

US taxpayers give Israel $3 billion per year, not including military equipment. US taxpayers do not give any money to the Vatican. Why? Because the Vatican gets along with all of its neighbors and Israel gets along with absolutely none of its neighbors. Israel has only one ideology and that is to steal the land of its neighbors, since 1920, thus causing all of these heated cauldrons. Syria and Lebanon kicked Israel off their borders over a year ago where Israel was trying to build new settlements.

Right now the entire population of Palestine is surrounded by walls the Israelis built to confine them in an open air prison; all the while Israel is bombing Gaza, Palestinian land. While we focus on Lebanon our attention is being torn away from Palestinian suffering at this moment.

Lebanon is under siege by the greedy and nefarious Jews killing innocent women and children.

Israel is our biggest welfare recipient. Even if Israel was living in peace it would require US taxpayers to continue sending billions of dollars to it as it is not a self-sustaining country. It has no income. It has no way to make money off of anything (tourism does not fill their food baskets). It depends on you and me, financially, to continue giving it an excuse to be there.

Israel began in 1897 when Theodor Hertzl of Austria wanted a nation state for Jews. He went to countries where Jews already lived, such as Argentina, Guatemala and several African countries to see if they had any nice places where the Jews could build a central home. Theodor Hertzl found the Palestinian area favorable as 5,000 Jews already lived there, in peace within the Palestinian neighborhoods. Hertzl brought 250 Jews out of Europe to begin his secular Jewish home. If you ever take the time to read Hertzl's works, you will find he was not a fanatic like the Israelis are today at your expense.

Pray for the children of Palestine and Lebanon. We (USA) are the cause of their suffering.

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